22-1 Full BG WotLK Solo PVP (Top DMG) - Rakzo

READ: Pick your own music of choice to listen to with the video (or not) up to you :) WATCH LIVE link below, pass a like and sub if you wouldn’t mind some more here on youtube (so i can become partnered, 1k subs)😆🤙 Livestreams: (WoW, CSGO 2, new riot mmo, chiv 2 , rocket league etc) - kick is like - i multistream so you can follow and find me live here too Just a solo q bg on a start geared on warmane, Blackrock . tags: #pvp #worldofwarcraft #wowpvp #warmane #wotlkclassic #wotlk #wrathofthelichking #wow #wowvideos #wowvideo #pvpmontage #blackrock #icecrown #battleground #battleground...s #fullgame #fullgameplay #solo #335 #montage #montagevideo #classic #battleground
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