Four Funny and Wise Chinese Proverbs That You May Not Learn From Your Textbook - 歇后语(xiehouyu)

歇后语(xiē hòu yǔ), literally means phrases with the latter-part suspended. I is a short, funny and figurative sentence. It normally includes two parts, but we only say the first part and expecting the listener to know the second and understand what we are referring to. In today’s video, I will mention four of them, and let you guess their meanings. These 歇后语 are: 01:32 脱裤子放屁 - Take off pants and fart. 03:32 肉包子打狗 - Hit a dog with meat buns. 05:02 塞翁失马 - An old man lost his horse. 08:08 姜还是老的辣 - Older gingers are spicier. 🔥If you like my way of teaching and you think I’m good at explaining complicated grammar, check my own course: Structure Review Plan. Spend only TWO WEEKS on the Structure Review Plan course, you will find your brain starting to think in Chinese. 💥 Click the link to grab the course today: ======== **Dear Students, Shuoshuo Chinese offers two different types of classes so far** A. Personalized private lesson
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