Ping! 2

IM BACK BABY. I’VE LEVELED UP. I put my heart and soul into this project, and cannot thank you guys enough for your support over the years. FLUTE GANG. I also finally designed my first merch, check it out if you wanna be an og supporter I used FL Studio 20 for the song, and Blender for all of the visuals. Tutorials coming over the next few weeks :) 𝐈      ● Can I use this song for Youtube or Twitch? Yes use it! Please put the link back to this video in your description. Contact me for commercial use. 𝐈𝐈       ● Download here // 𝐈𝐈𝐈    ● Buy the HD version // 𝐈𝐕    ● Bpm of the song is 120 𝐕      ● Discord // 𝐕𝐈    ● Spotify // 𝐕𝐈𝐈    ● Apple Music // 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈  ● Soundcloud // 𝐈𝐗           ● Newgrounds // 𝐗           ● Epilepsy warning. 𝐗𝐈       
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