160 yard archery shot with a String Sight

. This is a video of Joey Behr shooting 160 yards!!! dead on using the PATENT PENDING String Sight™. I’m shooting a Mathews dxt. My videos show that using the String Sight™ does help with accuracy and percision at close shots or in this case, extremely far. It took me two nights and about 10 shots to be completley sighted in for this video. You can buy and find more information about the String Sight™ at The String Sight™ is a simple to use, affordable accessory that can dramatically increase your shooting range and also improve your consistency with every shot. I have only been shooting for about 4 years, and less than a year ago the longest shot that I had ever taken was 40 yards. Since I invented the String Sight™ my shooting range has more than doubled and my group size has dramatically decreased with all shots, close or far.
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