The Name of the Surah: some observations about chapter headings of the Qurʾān, their names, and ...

“The Name of the Surah: some observations about chapter headings of the Qurʾān, their names, and their echo in the exegetical tradition“ “Sure Adı: Kur’an’ın sure başlıkları, isimleri ve bunların tefsir geleneğindeki yankıları hakkında bazı gözlemler“ Ali Aghaei (Paderborn), Dirk Hartwig (Berlin/Potsdam), Enes F. Onur (Ankara) Today it is common to refer to Surahs of the Qurʾān by giving their number. Scholars like as-Suyūṭī (1445-1505) or Ibn an-Nadīm (died in 995 or 998) mention different Surah names of which we do not know when they became established. Surah headings in early Qurʾānic manuscripts (7th and 8th century) give evidence of names used by the scribes. Names in manuscripts overlap to a large degree with names in the tradition, but do not overlap completely. Names of the Surah mentioned in Lamiya Kandil’s study (“Die Surennamen in der offiziellen K
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