7 minutes ago in Mexico! Tropical Cyclone One creates flash flooding in Mexico

7 minutes ago in Mexico! Tropical Cyclone One creates flash flooding in Mexico The first system of the season, potential tropical cyclone one, has formed over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, according to the National Hurricane Center. When tropical cyclone one formed, significant impacts were felt in the city of Oaxaca. The rains this Monday, June 17, caused flooding, falling trees, stranded vehicles and power outages. It is expected that this Tuesday afternoon it will intensify and become Tropical Storm Alberto, with winds ranging between 63 and 118 km/h. #mexico #oaxaca #tamaulipas #flo...od #flashflood #cycloneone #storm #cyclone #floods #rain #weather #heavyrain #climatechange #flooding #naturaldisasters #tsunami #news #disaster #earthquake Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports throughout the world, including: storm, tornado, flood, flash floods, earthquake, heavy rain, hail, hail storm, wind storm, climate change, weather warning, volcano, cyclone, bad weather, weather news today, compilation of natural disasters, natural disasters caught on camera The videos published are for informational purposes. If you find a copyrighted video, please to contact us via email: hagweathernews@
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