Kubeflow for Machine Learning (Teaser) • Holden Karau & Adi Polak • GOTO 2022

Machine Learning has been declared dead several times but that’s far from true. Join Adi Polak, vice president of developer experience at Treeverse, and Holden Karau, open source engineer at Netflix, in their conversation about Kubeflow and how it provides better tooling in the ML space. The interview is based on Holden’s book “Kubeflow for Machine Learning“: Find out more in the upcoming GOTO Book Club episode. Release date: Thursday, April 28, 2022 Check out more here: Holden Karau - Co-Author of “Kubeflow for Machine Learning“ & Open Source Engineer at Netflix Adi Polak - VP of Developer Experience at Treeverse & Contributing to lakeFS OSS Meet the authors who empower developers to continue innovating in the GOTO Book Club: #GOTObookclub #GOTOcon #GOTOconferences #LegendsOfSoftware #GOTOams #GOTOchgo #GOTOber #GOTO
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