Operation Gladio - False Flag Terrorism: BBC Timewatch [1992] Full Documentary

Operation Gladio was the codename for a clandestine NATO post-WW2 “stay-behind“ False Flag operation in Europe during the Cold War. Its purpose was to galvanize public opinion against the Radical Left and provoke armed resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion. Operation Gladio formed part of the ’Strategy of Tension’, which was a theory that Western governments during the Cold war used tactics that aimed to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions in order to achieve their strategic aims. The theory began with allegations that the United States government, the Italian government, and the Greek military junta of 1967--1974 supported far-right terrorist groups in Italy and Turkey, where communism was growing in popularity, to spread panic among the population who would in turn demand stronger and more dictatorial governments. Although Gladio spec
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