India Day By Day (1930)

No title. L/S of Indian street lined with shops. Shoppers walk down the street. Another Indian street is seen. Water buffalo pull carts behind them. C/U of three men at work in the open air. One man - the village blacksmith - pounds a piece of metal on an anvil, another man works the bellows. Another shot of the workers from a different angle. L/S of some “jungle carriers“ - men who will transport goods by foot. Large number of these men walk past the camera carrying pots, bags etc. M/S of one of the men who has a pole on his shoulder - a pot is attached to either end of the pole by ropes. “The Carrier’s Camp. If your shadow fell across their food, it would be defiled - and rendered uneatable!“ Panning shots of the men gathered in little groups preparing food in the open air. Various shots of the men cooking. “India, too, has its lumbermen - working by hand, as usual. It’s cheaper than a sawmill!“ Panning shots of men sawing a large piece of wood by hand. Low angle shot of the men -
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