In the USA, a police officer was frightened when he shot his own patrol car

In the USA, a police officer was frightened when he shot his own patrol car The cause of the shooting was... an acorn that fell on the roof of the car - a very nervous cop mistook the sound for a gunshot and opened fire to kill. In full compliance with the training programme he was “leaving the line of fire“, moving and somersaulting, not forgetting to shout that he was being shot at. Apparently, at some point he somersaulted in a bad way, groaned in pain and started shouting “I’m wounded!“ in the neighbourhood. The most amazing thing is that in the car, which the policeman literally riddled with bullets, all this time there was a detainee sitting in the car, who was not injured at all. At least physically. And the nervous policeman had to resign. Источник: Global News (EU, USA)
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