Belligerent Woman Thought She Wasn’t Going To Jail Gets A Wake Up Call

#news #police #arrest #cops #karen Report: On 11/21/2021, At approximately 0300 hours officer was dispatched to a report of a loud domestic. Earlier that same shift officers had been at this address in reference to a similar call. At that time officers spoke with only the victim, who advised that his girlfriend had become drunk at a party and was going to bed. Officers on scene at that call interviewed the suspect and came to a similar conclusion, identified no probable cause to believe any crime had been committed, and that the only violation was a noise ordinance violation caused by the suspect shouting loudly on the balcony. On that visit officer also learned that the victim was a third year law student and had some familiarity with the legal system. On scene officer met with the victim, one of the several callers and the resident of (redacted). He reported his girlfriend, had become very intoxicated at a party late the previous date and had since been belligerent and destructive, breaking things in the apartment and shouting loudly. Victim had a video of the most recent altercation, and in it officers observed the suspect to break a fan while shouting at him. Victim explained that he was not able to contain her in such a way as would keep her safe. He said in addition to being inordinately loud and breaking things around the apartment she was also trying to wander out into the halls in a state of undress and while profoundly intoxicated. At this point officers believed, based on the amount of property belonging to the suspect that officers had observed on this and on the previous interaction with victim and suspect that she lived at the address, and so officers discussed that they would likely pursue charges for criminal trespass to property-family violence. Officers then attempted to make contact with and interview suspect, who had gone from the bathroom to the bedroom. Officer noted an empty holster on a dresser in the bedroom and inquired about the presence of firearms. victim advised that there were several guns in the room, including one under the mattress. Officer asked the suspect to get up and come speak with them in the hallway. She said she was asleep. Officer advised that, he was aware of a firearm in the room, she needed to immediately comply with his order or he would facilitate her compliance with it. She reluctantly agreed. Shortly after moving into the entryway of the apartment she attempted to move back into the bedroom. Officers stopped her by bracing his arm across the door to the bedroom. She then attempted to kick him between the legs. Suspect was arrested on charges of obstruction. A search of her person incident to arrest resulted in no findings of evidentiary value. Officer continued to speak with the victim. He asked if he could help the officer locate some clothing for the suspect. They quickly recovered a jacket and a pair of sweat pants for her, and she refused to put them on. Suspect not being available for further comment, officer spoke again with the suspect. He asked the victim if the two lived together and he said they do not, and she was only visiting for the weekend. He reported the two have been dating for approximately 8 months, and that she’s normally fine. Officer explained that she was being arrested on charges of obstruction, and gave him a case card. He gave him her phone, and officer gave that phone to the transporting officer. Victim checked her pocket book for her wallet or license, but was unable to locate it. I noted a prescription pill bottle in the bag. Victim speculated that the unusual level of alcohol, which he estimated at between 10 and 11 cans of beer, might be interacting with her medication. Charges will not be sought for criminal trespass, but officer has documented it here for future reference. Footage on Body Cam Watch is for educational purposes only. ________________________________________________________________ Please consider SUBSCRIBING/LIKING to support the channel & you won’t get arrested. If you’d like to making a donation to support this channel CashApp (Account name: $BodycamPOV). Donations will be used to acquire more public footage related to law enforcement activities. The subjects in these videos are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. These videos are provided to report and inform the public about some real events and promote transparency in regards to local law enforcement activity. The content is NOT intended to promote or glorify violence or criminal activity. All information has been supplied by local law enforcement agencies and is considered by law to be public information. Body-worn camera footage has been edited for length and in accordance with YouTube community guidelines while maintaining a journalistic focus.
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