Vietnam Peace Conference (1969)

No titles. Vietnam peace talks get underway. Paris, France. General view of Notre Dame; zoom in to show helicopter with man dangling below removing Vietcong flag from steeple. C/U of photographer taking picture from the crowd. Interior shot of representatives of the Vietnam NLF (National Liberation Front) at a press conference. Several shots of numerous diagrams of suggested tables to be used in the conference intercut with C/U of Vietnam representative holding up piece of paper and talking about each design. Also intercut are shots of action in Vietnam - gun firing, burning village, soldiers walking through jungle, refugees with oxen, two women refugees and a woman and child run along a street. Several shots of the arrival of American Delegation in at the conference venue in Paris, including Deputy Chief negotiator Mr Cyrus Vance. He talks to press. Shots of Vietnamese delegates arriving and speaking into microphones. M/S of people in crowd waving paper flags. Female delegate Madame Ne
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