Writing re runnable sql server scripts Part 66

Link for code samples used in the demo Link for csharp, , , dotnet basics, mvc and sql server video tutorial playlists What is a re-runnable sql script? A re-runnable script is a script, that, when run more than, once will not throw errors. Let’s understand writing re-runnable sql scripts with an example. To create a table tblEmployee in Sample database, we will write the following CREATE TABLE sql script. USE [Sample] Create table tblEmployee ( ID int identity primary key, Name nvarchar(100), Gender nvarchar(10), DateOfBirth DateTime ) When you run this script once, the table tblEmployee gets created without any errors. If you run the script again, you will get an error - There is already an object named ’tblEmployee’ in the database. To make this script re-runnable 1. Check for the existence of the table 2. Create the table if it does not exist
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