「 Usui & Misaki ~ Baby Boi 」 ♥ KISS ♥

I’m too lazy too type much atm... Don’t blame mehhh! *hides* blame schoooollllll! *point point* -__-’ *WATCH THE LAST 4 SECONDS OF THE VIDEO AND U WILL BE HAPPYY! XDD* Anywhoooooosss this is like the second video i’ve done with a korean song?? Yup pretty sure it’s the secondd~! usui is just like awesomee n misaki is just so ahamazing with himm *sighh* why are guys like him not real? -___- hmmm soo it took me like a month to do this video cos somewhere in the middle there i started to watch black butler n got obsessed so i’m probably gonna upload some bb stuff soon 8D This viddy was supposed to be pretty darn funny... but it ended up just being... normal?? 8P i did use polka dots cos i’ve been obsessed with them lately haha and i really hate the little gitch when misaki is lip singing at one point. stupid youtube!!! RAWR! -___-’ hmm and i love my thumbnail~!!! LIKE ABSULOUTLEY ADORE ITTTTT~! ♥ I was creative w
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