Loot the Body - White Plume Mountain (Music Video)
This is the opening track from HEX VOLUME 1, featuring songs inspired by the best classic D&D adventures of all time. Check it out at The original adventure was written by Lawrence Schick and published by TSR in 1979. Graphics for this video looted from royalty free clip art and brought to life through the use of animate object (using a 6th level slot).
A thousand years ago a wizard had his hour
The warlords of the north surrendered to his power
And all across the land he let a madness take control
Wicked and fantastic apparitions took men’s souls
As he took the throne Keraptis made one more decree
Every third child you must render unto me
At these words the people sprang like beasts out of a cage
All as one they marched and took up arms against the mage
Seeing the battle had been lost Keraptis vanished in the air
But rumors say he hides and schemes away where none will dare
A maze where fire runs like water flowing from a fountain
The haunted deadly peak they cal