Open up liver and biliary meridian.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 1. Dry mouth, bitter taste and bad temper? try it. 2. Indigestion, weakness? try it. 3. Light sleeper? try it. 5-7 minutes each leg. Try to beat the middle line of the leg side, which is the liver meridian and the biliary meridian. Regular patting can open up the blockage of the meridians and allow the energy flow of the liver and gallbladder to flow more smoothly. This series of symptoms are the cause of blockage of the liver and bile meridians, and the circulation of the meridians will reduce or even eliminate the symptoms. The body is a system of 20 major meridians, and we must make sure that the meridians are unobstructed in order to be healthy. It is recommended that 56 minutes of daily full-body exercise, which can stretch and open the meridians of the whole body, so that the energy flow is more smooth and reduce disease.
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