I have been having a great deal of difficulty with Youtube lately. If you would care to join me on (I am in the process of migrating my channel) I will leave my referral as well as my channel link below. Thank you for your consideration. referral: $/invite/@serenitynowmindfulmeditations:f channel: @serenitynowmindfulmeditations:f This subliminal was requested months ago, I am sorry it took so long. This video contains affirmations which can help shift your beliefs. Your behaviour will then start to change based on these new beliefs. The principle behind subliminals is that with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, and as you believe them, they help create your reality, and become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Over time positive affirmations overwrite limiting and negative beliefs. The affirmations in this video are listed in the videos for: Subliminals for Wealth Subliminals for Self-Lo
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