Ukrainian Professor EXPOSES The West’s Lies About The Maidan Massacre Of 2014! (Part 1)

Due to the sad 10th anniversary of the Maidan Massacre, during which more 100 people were killed by Sniper fire on February 20, 2014, I will talk today to Ivan Katchanovski, who is a Ukranian (and Canadian) political scientist at the University of Ottawa and researched the Massacre in detail. Last year he published the paper “The Maidan Massacre Trial and Investigation Revelations: Implications for the Ukraine-Russia War and Relations”. In short, the massacre was NOT committed by the forces of Victor Yanukovych, as reported in Western media and there is conclusive evidence that the shooters were part of the Ultra-Right wing of Ukraine that then ended up coming to power after the coup. Read his paper here: Maidan massacre of protesters,illegally invading Ukraine in 2022.
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