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1. Preparation. a. patients medical history, this will minimize the risk of complication. b. check out the X-ray. Look at the roots: nerve relation? sinus? hook? is the tooth in occlusion? the surrounding bone? 2. Inform patient. Explain the whole procedure for the patient. This will calm the patient down. 3. Right tools. Don’t lock yourself on one tool, use your entire toolbox if necessary. 4. Local anaesthesia - don’t be cheap on it. Use enough. Be sure that the patient is numb enough. Remember if the patient is not relaxed the whole procedure could take longer time. 5. Good nurse. 6. Good light. 7. Patience when extracting. Look at the video ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ After the extraction 8. Clean the extraction site good. 9. Clean the extraction site good 10. Clean the extraction site good. - -
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