The Frankenstein Wallet - How It’s Made - Leather Craft

In this leather craft video, I originally started out with the idea of making a leather long wallet using simple construction and minimal leather pieces, but the more I thought about it, the idea seemed a little boring. I then had the idea of creating the outer panel from multiple pieces of leather that would fit together kind of like a jig-saw puzzle. This would require me to glue the individual pieces of leather edge-to-edge to form one complete outer panel. To secure each seam, I would need to run a loop stitch or cross stitch, this is where the theme for the Frankenstein wallet was born. The look of the stitching reminded me of the stitching that is found on Dr. Frankenstein’s monster’s forehead. Because I was already planning on using leather pieces of different colors, I thought I might as well use different color threads also. The green, orange, and white colored thread seemed like a good combo for a wallet design that was already a little “out there”. The inside of the wallet is lined with thin vegeta
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