What If Cryptids Were Realistic Animals?

What might legendary creatures look like if they were more realistic? Discover the bizarre creatures of ‘Cryptozoologicon,’ featuring the legendary author Darren Naish. (Links Below) --- Buy ‘Cryptozoologicon: Darren Naish Website: Darren Naish Twitter: C. M. Kosemen Patreon: C. M. Kosemen YouTube: John Conway Patreon: John Conway Twitter: For the past century, stories of cryptids — like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster — have continued to fascinate. And while these creatures likely don’t exist, that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun to speculate on their biology. Enter Cryptozoologicon, a book that imagines evolutionary backstories for legendary creatures. Created by renowned paleontologist Darren Naish, alongside cha
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