Avatar The Last Airbender - Like Toy Soldiers

EDIT: OYU GUYS. 3K VIEWS. ZOMG. ----------------------- I gotta say, this is one of my best uploads.^^ Have been working on it for a while. Im pretty proud of it. :) It’s like, the GAang, and then focusing on Zuko and Aang, through all their struggles, and Zuko and Aang shove their soldiers (Sokka, Katara, Toph etc.) through the whole war and stuff. At first i just wanted Aang as the leader in the vid, but i just couldnt help but put Zuko in it too. ;3 Fav characters always get a important spot in my vids. ^^ Enjoy! Love, Laura. ------------------------------------- I Do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, nor Eminem’s songs.
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