〖ゆま茶誕〗No.1 踊ってみた。〖四月一日〗 - Niconico Video sm38125160

Happy Birthday!! Yumachi, happy birthday! Please make this year a wonderful year (* ´ω ` *) For the clothes in the first half, I borrowed the costume from the video that Yuma had put out in the past and danced! Please find out which video’s clothes (* ´︶` *) → mylist / 49088076 楽曲本家様:sm36140641 使用楽曲様: 振付本家様:sm36208350 撮影・編集 紅月るぃ様  四月一日(わたぬき) mylist/45065902 四月一日(わたぬき) 01/27/2021 20:00 Views 951
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