DEFENCE / CYPRUS: World War 2: Cyprus regiment at Polymedia Camp (1942)
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Cyprus Regiment at Polymedia Camp.
Full Description:
Cyprus: LV Provost Sgt. hoisting Union Jack indicating reveille. LV Bugler blowing bugle, another soldier standing under flag. SCU P.T. instructor jumping up and down clapping hands above head. GV Men and instructor doing same exercise. LV 2 men being inspected by officer at kit inspection ? in tent. GTV men at shooting practice with rifles, 4 men standing behind with rifles. GTV Mean at shooting practice 2 officers inspecting one gun, and giving instructions, 4 men with rifles standing at back. GV Men lying on ground with gun, others standing by hut in b-g. SCU 2 men lying on ground with tommy gun ? another man looking at gun. SV Group of men round guns, one officer giving instructions. SCV Pan types listening. LV Troops with camouflaged hats jumping o