A $32 million MQ-9 Reaper drone operated by the US military was downed by Houthis over Yemen, as images and footage circulating

A $32 million MQ-9 Reaper drone operated by the US military was downed by Houthis over Yemen, as images and footage circulating on social media indicate. The visuals show a group of men standing beside the wreckage of what appears to be a US MQ-9 Reaper drone in the Yemeni desert. US Central Command acknowledged the rumors of a drone downed in Yemen’s Marib province, though neither the Yemeni government nor the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis) have confirmed the incident. In February, another MQ-9 Reaper drone was downed off the coast of Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen. Subscribe to [club80289214|@SputnikInt] Source: Sputnik International
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