Classical Chinese dance ’Resonant Sounds’ by Tang Shiyi | 舞蹈:唐诗逸《鸿音》| CNODDT

Watch the sunset on the river as we travel beyond the borders. Hear the sonorous melodies of the “pipa“ (four-stringed Chinese lute) and be captivated by the tenderness that awaits in the golden sands. Sung by #SaDingding and performed by CNODDT principal dancer #TangShiyi, “Hong Yin“ (Resonant Sounds) re-imagines the glamour of the ancient Kucha culture. Kucha, located in today’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, was an important passage of the ancient Silk Road. 长河落日,塞外孤烟,曲似风沙缥缈,舞若回雪流风。作品《鸿音》由 #萨顶顶 演唱,中国歌剧舞剧院首席舞者 #唐诗逸 演绎,重现遗落在岁月长河ߑ
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