【MV】Ailiph Doepa「White Sun」Official Music Video

Ailiph Doepa (アイリフドーパ) 「White Sun」Official Music Video ▼作曲(Songs) & 作詞(Lyrics) Eyegargoyle ▼Recording & Mixing Engineer 克哉 (SLOTHREAT / Misanthropist) ▼Piano Fujioka Kurumi ▼Video Directed by kotarounogami() ▼Lyrics 迷子の my 行動 Silly cycle 怠惰な人生を呪う 日々猛毒 skyさえも自重支えきれず 最期のpeace sorrow 暴動 Empty body interesting Naked solid rich man’s treat Keeping falling in the street Oh Ah, who cares, sink it Evil tells me we’re all sick Wicked 手に Christmas tree If you saw me wait a sec Oh Ah, I bury you in bed Holy night I choose my way, too rogue 回路塞いで愚弄 鳴るべきサイレン 徒労 Stealth食いっぱぐれ いっそ未知のjo...y 陰気者wrath burst 煙突 snow 舞い ambient, factitious 欺瞞 no one can’t see this snow why? Curious 空 frightening, just be patient 融和 soul, I’ll be there White Sun Now above this 天 Human life support is end 不安さえ与える間無く一斉に Enough 論理高温の sun White Sun 絶え間無く照らす 生 雄弁 like a coldest edge 大抵 fireball death air Pure 原理高温の sun In this snow world Only skeleton Lonely heritage It means true silent night Blizzard show
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