DANIEL EL DIBUJO 1992 Aguilas, Murcia, Spain

Daniel José Cabrera Castro. I was born in 1992 in Aguilas (Murcia). I am known as El Dibujo. I got my nickname from my grandfather, and this in turn from his father. Both were known in the village by this nickname. They were fishermen and this meant that I spent part of my childhood surrounded by that fishing tradition, the romanticism inspired by the sea, the smell of saltpetre from the fishing nets and a feeling of permanent but comfortable solitude. From the beginning, my work has revolved mainly around the male figure, but I try to impregnate it with delicacy and sensitivity. Fear, love, lack of love… and trying to make something beautiful out of the horrible. This is the base of my work. I am continually researching new techniques and new materials with which I create experimental pieces. In addition to illustration and painting, I also work in interior design.
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