Стойкого медведя чуть не залили дезинфицирующим средством для рук в магазине 7-Eleven
A bear looking for food in Olympic Valley, California, near Lake Tahoe, opened the door of a 7-Eleven convenience store on November 13, and continued to peruse the scene even after triggering the hand-sanitizer dispenser.
Rachelle Ducusin, an employee at the 7-Eleven store, captured the video. She told Storyful the bear charged at her twice outside the shop while she attempted to stop the animal from rummaging through the store’s garbage cans. She managed to get inside and called 911 before the animal entered the store.
Emergency services arrived and shot at the bear with rubber bullets and got it to go away, but it returned to dig through the store’s trash cans later that morning, according to Ducusin.
Credit: Rachelle Ducusin via Storyful
Original video: @fmunna83pk/video/7030123581405138182
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