Myanmar military blocks Facebook as resistance to coup grows | DW News

The military has blocked Facebook in Myanmar, just a few days after taking control of the country. It comes after people flocked to the social media platform to voice opposition to the coup, which ousted elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Monday. The coup has also sparked international condemnation, including from the United Nations A video of anti-coup protestors in Mandalay on Thursday, was shared on social media. It could be one of the last for a while. Resistance to the coup had been surging on Facebook, with calls for civil disobedience. The platform was also often used by the now ousted government to make announcements. But the new military government’s move to block Facebook owned apps - including Instagram and WhatsApp - has left many in the dark. With armed soldiers back on the streets of major cities, most of the protests have been under the cover of darkness. Residents in Yangon banged pots overnight, and honked car horns. Among those who have openly shown opposition are me
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