Day 14 - 8 Twerk Moves in 10 Minutes | 28 Days of Twerk Challenge
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Welcome to 28 days of twerk! The coming month I am going to teach you how to twerk through little tips and tricks, consistency, expanding your lower back flexibility, increasing your lower body strength AND building your confidence.
I truly believe that you can do anything through practice, cause PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.
Every day is going to start with 50 squats (to warm up your body) and a few affirmations (to warm up your attitude). After that I will challenge you to a new move, a little choreography, or a little endurance challenge using your own favorite songs.
These 28 days are both for beginners and for more advanced dancers. I explain all the moves for my twerk queens in the making, but also give more advanced challenges/options for the advanced ladies out there.
The ultimate goal of this challenge is for you to stick to these 28 days to make sure that where ever you are on your journey you IMPROVE your skills! With this in mind I reco
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