The dueling tenors- part 4- M’appari tutt amor-Tucker/Lanza

I have been wanting for a long time to make one of these with Mario Lanza and Richard Tucker, arguably the 2 greatest American operatic tenor voices ever. I understand that Tucker was generally at his best in live performances, but I really like his studio recording here. He sings it like the robust tenor that he is but still manages to sound very sweet in my opinion. Lanza of course has a fantastic rendition. Consider this a tribute to both men. As I have said before, no comparison like this can be 100% fair or comprehensive, so just enjoy it for what it is! A nice little account about these 2 men: “ When the famed American tenor Richard Tucker made his Royal Opera House debut in London’s Covent Garden, Mario Lanza made it a point to attend the performance and invited the Tuckers to a post-performance meal in his suite at the Dorchester. In what must have been a meeting of kindred souls, they talked the evening away like old friends. It was not until well past three in the
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