A Love Letter To the SH 101
A short love letter to the Roland SH-101covering my long standing devotion to this superb mono synth. Also going briefly into detail about my search for a modern iteration of it, and the decisions I made for my current live performances.
Note: I am an electronic musician, a designer, and a huge fan of synthesizers. I am not an authority, nor am I a historian. These love letters (I should think that it goes without saying) are Op Ed (opinion based editorial) and thus they are filled with hyperbole, artistic license and some degree of speaking categorically to get the point across. This is not the first word, or anywhere near the last word on the story I’m telling. It’s just a love letter.
Directed by Martha Traer for MT Films.
©2017 The Urgency Of Change/MT Films
Special thanks to Roland, Doepfer Musikelektronik, Intellijel Designs Inc., and Erica Synths