V Евразийский литературный фестиваль ЛИффТ. Международный конкурс «Живая антология писателей мира»

Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends, writers, readers, spectators and all the audience. Warmly welcome the participants, managers, promoters and partners of the International Literary Competition “Living Anthology of World Writers“ LIFFT. Congratulations with the opening of such a representative international online platform for dialogue among writers, readers and spectators, organized under the slogan “One’s World People” (“One’s Planet People“). In our day a book in a classic paper version can be compared with a cocoon, from which an amazing butterfly will fly into the world in the nearest future. We do not know the format of the informational data miracle and magic yet, but we know that it will be the same like it happened with the mobile communications. Nowadays even the eldest and non-progressive grandma easily copes with a mobile phone and is constantly in touch. The idea of creating a video book appeared in 2019 in Baku at a literary forum of writers from 52 countries. in 2020, we performed the 100 day
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