3 Hours of Cyberpunk Ambient Music for Sleep & Focus | Dream Sequencer - Origami Killer

I’ve been planning to record another long ambient track for some time, something similar to Nebula, but a bit more complex. Aaand here it is. It’s a 10 minute track looped for almost three hours. It’s not just a synth and rain though, I mixed in some very subtle field recordings and city sounds to make it more interesting. More likely than now you won’t notice them as you’ll be in delta sleep or whatever, but anyway :))) Yours truly, Dream Cool facts no one cares about lol: Tools used: - An ancient ThinkPad W530 - Audio Technica M30x headphones - FL Studio - Synapse Audio Dune 3 (mostly) - Madrona Labs Aalto - Nils’ K1v - Newfangled Audio Pendulate - Various FX plugins and royalty-free samples Total time I spent on the record: 9 hours and 40 min.
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