The 5 Most Underrated Drum Rudiments (And Why You Should Learn Them)

Have you been writing the same drum parts over and over again? Are you looking for some new patterns to add to your arsenal? You’re in luck: the answer to your problem was right under your nose this entire time. In this quick video lesson, Dorothea Taylor shares five less-popular rudiments that you can use to build into your drum parts. 0:00 - Intro Dorothea has decades of experience teaching and playing marching snare. These rudiments deserve more love, and they may be just what you need to upgrade your drum fills (and beats and solos), whether you keep them on the snare drum or move them down the toms: 0:33 - 1. Single Ratamacue The single ratamacue pattern sounds like ‘ra-ta-ma-CUE’, with an accent at the end. Make sure you get a nice clean drag on those grace notes. 2:08 - 2. Swiss Army Triplets Flam-right-left. That’s the Swiss Army Triplet! 3:35 - 3. Double Drag Tap It’s in the name: two drags and a tap. Double Drag Tap. 4:37 - 4. Drag Par
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