This is a course for beginners to learn how to navigate the terminal/command line. I tried to make it as OS agnostic as possible, but if you are on Windows, I suggest using something like “Git Bash“.
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💻 Gist With All Commands:
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0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Agora Sponsor
1:34 - Slides Start
2:00 - Why Learn The Command Line?
5:43 - Command Line vs Terminal vs Shell
8:25 - Let’s Talk About Windows
10:30 - Gist File
12:20 - Up & Down Arrow
12:44 - Tab Key
13:08 - Keyboard Shortcuts
14:11 -
... man
15:11 - whoami
15:17 - date
15:21 - clear
15:47 - pwd
16:09 - ls
18:13 - cd
19:35 - open, start, xdg-open
20:25 - mkdir
20:55 - touch
21:22 - rm
22:31 - rm -r
23:48 - cp
24:28 - mv
27:46 - cat
29:14 - RIght Angle Bracket (piping)
30:32 - less
31:00 - head
31:21 - tail
32:01 - nano
33:04 - echo
33:53 - grep
36:10 - find
38:03 - More On Piping
39:44 - ln (symlinks)
41:36 - tar
43:45 - historyShow more