Women Who Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Dated

If you’re wondering “Who has Arnold Schwarzenegger dated?“ then you’ve come to the right place. After more than 50 years as a superstar in bodybuilding, acting, politics, and pop culture icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger is still ubiquitous. His relationships have been more than a little troubled, though he may seem tame compared to others. When first arriving in America around 1968, Arnold Schwarzenegger hooked up with an English teacher named Barbara Outland. They were together until 1974. Barbara wrote a book about their time together called Arnold and Me: In the Shadow of the Austrian Oak. Arnold reportedly had a fling with Kellie Everts (female bodybuilder) in 1972. He dated a girl named Robin in 1977. It was just the beginning of Schwarzenegger’s relationships with various women. His next girlfriend was a hairdresser assistant named Sue Moray. Arnold met Moray on Venice Beach in July 1977. In the same year, he happened to meet Maria Shriver at a tennis tournament. Arnold Schwa
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