21. Separation through the ages. Im asuras wife

Dear friends, ladies, gentlemen. In this, the 21st episode of my mystical romance novel remake «I’m asura’s wife», I continue to present the story of an eternal couple who became separated as a result of a curse that caused the husband to become an asur and the wife to become a destroyer of asuras. Being a part of the interstellar invisible asuric landing on different worlds, the asur husband took the best women there as wives, but because of the curse, every his marriage there ended in some tragedy, the cause of which, as it seemed to him, was his wife there (the wife was new each time). And he cruelly was avenging his ex-wives for this by siphoning off all their good fortune and throwing in other people’s misfortunes, thus completely wiping them out. In this, episode 21, I’ll tell you how his real, eternal wife lived all this time apart from him, her eternal husband.
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