
春天風幹物燥,容易外感咳嗽,梨子性寒味甘,清咽潤喉,非常適合春季潤肺降燥。今天臺臺就用爽甜多汁的新疆庫爾勒香梨,教大家一梨三吃!簡單易學,創意十足。春日暖洋洋,一起吃甜甜的春梨,感受春日的美妙吧~ In spring, the wind and dry air easily make us cough. Pear, as a type of Yin food, is able to moisturize our throat and lungs and reduce inner heat. Today, we’re going to show you three simple and innovative recipes for pears. Korla pears were used in the video. Let’s have some sweet pears and enjoy the warmth of this wonderful season.
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