How to Make a CRUD Application Tutorial using PHP Yii2 Framework

This video demonstrates how to download and install php’s one of the widely used MVC framework YII, here we will discuss some of the basic concepts of yii’s second version. In this beginners tutorial series we will write the entire code by our self for performing basic crud operations like CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE from the MYSQL server. Here we will learn how to create or insert a record into database, how to read or fetch all the records from the database and display them on the homepage of yii2 application, how to read a specific record from the database based on their record id, how to update a record from database based on their id and how to delete a record from the database based on their id. This is a complete tutorial series for beginners and advanced kind of users to learn some of the basic concepts of yii2 framework. Support us on Patreon: Related and useful Videos
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