ПАВЛОВСКАЯ курочка-наседка с цыплятами PAVLOVSKaya hen with chicks

Цыплят высиживает Павловская курочка - наседка. Контроль за развитием эмбриона в яйце при помощи фонарика сотового телефона. Куры могут подкладывать наседке свежие яйца, их надо убирать из гнезда, иначе вывод цыплят будет очень долгим. Проклёвывание и вылупление. Цыплята ждут вывод всех остальных под USB-лампами в коробке. Развитие цыплят с курицей: Цыплята суточные, 1-, 5-, 8- и 12 дневные. Цыплята павловские, один - орловский и один - брама светлая. Кошки Солнышко и Радик Sergey Dmitriev, Altai, Barnaul, 2018 Pavlovskaya hen and the chicks #chickens Pavlovskaya #hen. Control the de...velopment of the embryo in the egg with the help of a cell phone flashlight. Other chickens can lay fresh eggs in the our chicken’s nest, they need to be removed from the nest, otherwise the chickens’ output will be very long. Chickens are waiting for the output of all the others under USB-lamps in the box. The chicks : Chickens per diem, 1-, 5-, 8- and 12-day. Chickens , Pavlovskie Chickens, one - Orloff and one - he light brahma. Pavlovskaya mother hen teach the Small chicks everything they need to know. #Pipping. first step of hatching is called pipping. Pipping occurs when the chick breaks a small hole in the outside of its shell. At this time the chick is still classed as an embryo because it is not fully developed or ready to hatch. #Zipping occurs when the chick begins to turn inside the shell and seemingly unzips the end of the shell to prepare for its escape. Zipping can occur as quickly as 30 minutes A large hen can incubate up to 12 #eggs It will take on average 21 days for the eggs to hatch You should keep your hen and chicks separate from the flock until the chicks are 6 weeks old. Sergey Dmitriev, Altai, Barnaul, 2018 Сергей Дмитриев, Алтай, Барнаул, 2018 курочка с цыплятами #Pavlovskie_Chickens, Altai, Barnaul, Sergey Dmitriev, 2018 Pavlovskaya hen with chicks August 3, 2018 Павловская курочка с цыплятами 3 августа 2018
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