ASA An American In Paris (1951) a film directed by Vincente Minnelli with Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, Oscar Levant, Georges...
An American In Paris (1951)
One of the greatest of 1950s screen musicals is a happy collaboration between the grace and athleticism of Gene Kelly and colourful palette of Vincente Minnelli. An American G.I. lingers in Paris after the war to study painting and soon falls in love with Caron, an engaged mademoiselle, much to the chagrin of his romance-minded benefactress. Features a seventeen-minute, avant-garde ballet choreographed by Kelly to George Gershwins unbeatable melodies.
Rankings Position
#25 Best Musical Movies
1951: 6 Academy Awards: Movie, Story, Screenplay, Music, Art Direction, Costume Design
1951: Golden Globes: Best Movie - Comedy or Musical. 3 nominations
1951: BAFTA Awards: Nominated for Best Film
1951: Writers Guild of America (WGA): Best Musical Screenplay
1951: Directors Guild of America (DGA): Nominated for Best Director
1951: National Board of Review: Top 10 Best Films
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