Horrifying Moments! How Russia Loses 38,940 Personnel in May to Become ’Monthly High’

Russian forces in Ukraine lost 38,940 fighters last month, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry said on Saturday, marking what Ukraine described as the “highest monthly number since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.“ Ukraine’s military has regularly reported daily Russian casualties of more than 1,000 throughout the past month. In mid-May, Kyiv’s troops said Moscow lost 1,740 soldiers in a single day, marking the highest number of daily Russian casualties since the start of the all-out war. If you have any problems viewing this Video, please report it here: usdefensenews16@ This video DOES NOT support or promote any form of violence, conflict or propaganda. All Information shared in this video is based on publicly available sources and is NOT intended to provoke or incite hostility. The creator of this video is committed to complying with YouTube’s guidelines and policies. By watching videos on this channel, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this d
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