Jerry Lee Lewis Home Going Service. Family Reveal there struggling 💔

Jerry Lee Lewis funeral is ongoing , the hard-driving rockabilly artist whose pounding boogie-woogie piano and bluesy, country-influenced vocals helped define the sound of rock ’n’ roll on hits like “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” and “Great Balls of Fire,” and whose incendiary performing style expressed the essence of rock rebellion, died on Friday at his home in DeSoto County, Miss., south of Memphis. He was 87. #JerryleeLewis #JerryleeLewisdeath #JerryleeLewisdies #JerryleeLewispassedaway #JerryleeLewiscauseOfdeath #JerryleeLewisdied #JerryleeLewisNews #JerryleeLewismusic #Jerryleelewisfuneral #JerryleeLewisage #JerryleeLewisdeathcause
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