YMIR - The Wild Hunt (Official Audio)

WE ARE HUNTING AND WE ARE THRIVING 🏹 Welcome back everyone, it’s been quite a minute and a half. Hope yall are ready for some new stuff, starting with the Wild Hunt on Kannibalen Records! A song about a protagonist psyching himself up to face the wrath of the Wild Hunt. A band of spectral knights riding on ghostly horses ravaging the European countryside. PREPARE YOURSELF! They are relentless! Musically I been calling this ADHD Trap lmao, for how frantic it is. But I think that’s where it’s beauty lies, the rush and unnerving polyrhythms add to the context of the lyrics super well. It feels dangerous and if the wild hunt can happen at any moment! I am so happy to have Kannibalen bringing this one to the fray, and with the newly announced signing under the label, I will be bringing you guys WAY MORE SOON! So thank you for sticking around and know that we will all make it through this wild hunt together 🏹 🆈
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