Against the Monster Nian 《戏斗年兽》

Against the Monster Nian 《戏斗年兽》 In Chinese mythology, Nian is a monster that comes out to hurt people on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Later, people found that it is afraid of the color red, light and loud sound. Thus, they managed to drive away Nian through pasting Spring Festival couplets, hanging red lanterns, and burning firecrackers, which gradually became traditional activities celebrating Chinese New Year. The work adopts a way of expression full of imagination and tells such a story: A kid buys a dough figurine depicting the Monkey King in the market. He believes the Monkey King has great magic power, and the dough figurine is lifelike. In his imagination, the kid sees the Monkey King fighting the monster Nian. As we welcome the New Year and bid farewell to the old one, the work conveys the wish that everyone can overcome various difficulties and lead a happy, safe life in the coming year. 在中国古代神话传说中, 年兽是每到除夕都会出来伤人的恶兽。后来,人们发现年兽害怕红色、火光和炸响,便通过贴春联、挂灯笼、放鞭炮来驱赶年兽。这也逐渐发展成为春节节日习俗。本作品以充满想象力的表现手法,展现了春节将至,一个孩子在集市中买了一支“孙悟空” 面人,孩子觉得孙悟空神通广大,面人也做得栩栩如生,仿佛能“看” 到孙悟空勇斗年兽的景象。在辞旧迎新之际,谨以此片祈盼新的一年,大家能够克服各种困难,幸福平安。 Follow us at: Facebook: China Cultural Center in Stockholm Instagram: chinaculturalcenterinstockholm Tik Tok: cccinstockholm Wechat: 斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心
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