Cat Gives Birth to Kittens PART 3

This is PART 3 PART 1 is here: PART 2 is here: This video is the 3rd final PART of Cat Birth. Everything ended successfully. The cat is doing well. She gave birth to 4 kittens with me and after 3 hours she gave birth to another kitten herself. As a result, we now have 5 kittens. It was like a surprise. I came to see how. the cat and kittens feel themselves, began to count the kittens and counted not 4, but 5. But the smallest, who was born last, does not feel very well. In all likelihood, he drank amniotic fluid. Now he is artificially fed, because he cannot eat on his own, he cannot suckle the cat’s breast, he does not have a sucking reflex. We will show everything in the following videos how we feed him if the kitten survives. 09:30 3 kittens were born 23:10 Birth of a tabby kitten 36:23 Ginger kitten is born 52:18 All 4 kittens together suck mom The 5th kitten is palpated, But he is not born in any way. We leave the cat and kittens to rest
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