Yoga: Awaken the Spine! fire 🔥 70 min. Int. & Adv. CdR. OYT #yoga #hathayoga #iyengaryoga

Welcome to this dynamic practice with extra emphasis on delicious back strengthening. The session starts with Surya Namaskars interspersed with Parsvottanasana, Virabhadrasana I and hip/groin openers to open and heat the body. We then move into an exploration of Salabhasana sand Dhanurasanas, awakening the back muscles, opening the shoulders and broadening the sternum from the dorsal spine. These lead us into Supta Virasana and Paryankasana (with a block for extra depth) which engages the dorsal spine area, preparing us for a journey of 5 gorgeous and deep Kapotasanas and culminating in a powerful series of 3 Urdhva Dhanurasanas. The practice then winds us down with Supta Padanguthasanas for leg release, Yoga Mudrasana in Gomukhasana III for hip release and ends with a Karnapidasana, Halasana and Parsva Halasana before the final well deserved Savasana. Let me know how it goes for you! Made with love. xox Cat If you’d like to support my work I’m grateful for every little donation 🙏&#
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