★50min★Classical Music for a Relaxing Sleep : Sleeping Music, Reading, Meditation, Bed time Music
Classical Music for a Relaxing Sleep—great for before and during sleep as well as meditation,
reading, or just some quiet time.
50 minute of select classical melodies that will relax you and get your body and mind ready forsleep. Enjoy classical masterpieces by greats such as J.S. Bach, Johannes Brahms, , Franz Schubert, , Mendelssohn, Eric Satie and Charles Camille Saint-Saens. Serene, graceful melodies with the warmth of such instruments as the piano, cello,violin, and harp will thoroughly relax every part of your exhausted body and mind, allowingyou to slip into a deep slumber. It is also great as background music anytime you wish torelax, have some quiet, meditate, or read. Regardless of how you use it, it is a great way towind down your constantly running mind, bring down your heart rate, and soothe your spirit.
01. 詠敘調 Cantata, BWV 156: Arioso / 巴哈 J.S. Bach 00:00
02. G弦之歌 Air on the G String / 巴哈 J.S. Bach 03:38
03. 夢幻曲Kinderszenen, Op. 15: No. 7, Träumerei / 舒曼 08:58
04. 公主徹夜未眠 Turandot: Nessun Dorma / 普契尼 12:00
05. 聖母頌 Ave Maria / 舒伯特 Franz Schubert 14:36
06. 親愛的父親 O mio babbino caro / 普契尼 Giacomo Puccini 18:36
07. 小夜曲 Schwanengesang, D. 957: No. 4, Serenade / 舒伯特 Franz Schubert 22:53
08. 裸童 Gymnopédies No.1 / 薩提 Eric Satie 27:10
09. 天鵝 The Swan / 聖桑 Charles Camille Saint-Saens 30:19
10. 乘著歌聲的翅膀 Auf Flugeln des Gesanges / 孟德爾頌 Mendelssohn 32:56
11. 鄉間騎士間奏曲 Cavalleria rusticana: Intermezzo / 馬斯卡尼 Mascagni 36:25
12. 舒伯特小夜曲 Standchen / 舒伯特 Franz Schubert 39:14
13. 詠敘調 Arioso from Cantata BWV 156 / 巴哈 J.S. Bach 42:20
14. 搖籃曲 Wiegenlied / 約翰尼斯·布拉姆斯Johannes Brahms Silvia 46:18
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